Dlo ak Pwòpte: Pi plis pase tout sa nou ka panse
Haitian Kreyol translation of Water & Sanitation Hesperian Health Guides | 2018$5.95
Liv sa a fè nou konnen ki jan nou ka fè katye nou, kay nou, dlo ak manje nou pi pwòp, menm si nou pa gen anpil lajan; konsa nou ka evite anpil maladi vin sou nou.
This booklet, adapted from the NEW Where There Is No Doctor, provides strategies for practicing better sanitation with little resources to make our communities safer and prevent illness.
This booklet, adapted from the NEW Where There Is No Doctor, provides strategies for practicing better sanitation with little resources to make our communities safer and prevent illness.
“Promoting cleanliness and improving water are some of the best ways health workers can make their communities healthier.”
— Water and Sanitation: Beyond the BasicsClean water is essential for health. People, animals, and plants all need water to live and to grow. But in many parts of the world, the only water people can access is contaminated from chemicals or poor sanitation, and leads to severe illness.
Preventing sickness caused by sanitation problems can seem daunting, but there are many attainable solutions that can make a big difference when put into practice. Dlo ak Pwòpte provides easy-to-implement methods to prepare food, maintain cleanliness, and purify water that can be done with a minimum of resources. It also includes instructions for building safe toilets and preventing chemical contamination. Adapted from the NEW Where There Is No Doctor, this 32-page resource will help to reduce illness and death from poor sanitation.