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A Book for Midwives

A Book for Midwives

A vital resource for practicing midwives and midwifery training programs, A Book for Midwives covers the essentials of care before, during, and after pregnancy and birth. Also available in Spanish, French, Haitian Kreyol, Nepali, and Urdu.
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The Childbirth Picture Book

The Childbirth Picture Book

The Childbirth Picture Book provides a simple and complete guide to the basics of conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. This 68-page book contains 34 pages of detailed line drawings depicting every step of the reproductive process. Also available in Spanish, French, Arabic and Urdu.
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Birth Work as Care Work

Birth Work as Care Work

This collection presents a vibrant collection of stories from the front lines of birth activist communities. The personal has once more become political, and birth workers, supporters, and doulas now find themselves at the fore of collective struggles for freedom and dignity.
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Basic Midwives Set

Basic Midwives Set

This three-volume set is perfect for anyone interested in learning more about pregnancy and birth and the role of midwives. It includes three of our most popular titles on childbirth in one affordable package: A Book for Midwives, Birth Work as Care Work, and The Childbirth Picture Book.
Regularly $55.85 if purchased separately, this set is only $44.50 – a savings of 21%.
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Un libro para parteras

Un libro para parteras

Spanish translation of A Book for Midwives
Este importante recurso para parteras y para programas de capacitación en todo el mundo, explica cómo cuidar a las mujeres durante el embarazo, el parto y después. Esta edición incluye las nuevas normas de la OMS y UNICEF sobre el cuidado de las madres y los recién nacidos. También disponible en inglés, francés, criollo haitiano, nepalí y urdu.
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El libro de ilustraciones del parto

El libro de ilustraciones del parto

Spanish translation of The Childbirth Picture Book
El libro de ilustraciones del parto es una guía sencilla pero sustantiva a todo relacionado con la concepción, el embarazo, el parto y el amamantar. Dentro de sus 64 páginas se encuentran 34 dibujos detallados que muestran cada etapa del proceso reproductivo. También disponible en árabe, inglés, francés y Urdu.
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المصور العالمي لولادة الطفل

المصور العالمي لولادة الطفل

Arabic translation of The Childbirth Picture Book
المصور العالمي لولادة الطفل provides a simple and complete guide to the basics of conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. The book contains 34 pages of detailed line drawings depicting every step of the reproductive process. Also available in English, French, Spanish and Urdu.
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Guide des sages femmes

Guide des sages-femmes

French translation of A Book for Midwives
Ressource vitale tant pour les sages-femmes en activité que dans le cadre des programmes de formation au métier à travers le monde, ce livre, mis à jour pour incorporer les nouvelles directives de l’OMS/UNICEF, couvre l’essentiel des soins à dispenser avant, pendant et après l’accouchement. Également disponible en Anglais, Créole haïtien, Espanol, Népalais, et Ourdou.
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Le livre d'images de la naissance

Le livre d'images de la naissance

French translation of The Childbirth Picture Book
Le livre d'images de la naissance provides a simple and complete guide to the basics of conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. This 60-page book contains 34 pages of detailed line drawings depicting every step of the reproductive process. Also available in English, Spanish, Arabic and Urdu.
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Yon Liv pou Fanmsaj

Yon Liv pou Fanmsaj

Haitian Kreyol translation of A Book for Midwives
Yon resous enpòtan pou fanmsaj k’ap pratike yo ak pwogram fòmasyon fanmsaj atravè mond lan. Liv sa a kouvri pwen esansyèl sou swen anvan, pandan, ak apre akouchman. Yon mizajou pou reflete nouvo gid OMS/ UNICEF yo pou manman ak tibebe ki fenk fèt yo. Also available in English, Spanish, French, Nepali, and Urdu.
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दक्ष प्रसुतीकर्मीहरुका लागि सहयोगी प

दक्ष प्रसुतीकर्मीहरुका लागि सहयोगी पुस्तक

Nepali translation of A Book for Midwives
अनुवादकःग्रामीण स्वास्थ्य तथा शिक्षासेवा गुठी (रेस्ट–नेपाल) विश्वभर कार्यरत प्रसुतीकर्मीहरु र प्रसुतीकर्मीसँग सम्बन्धित तालिम कार्यक्रमहरुका लागि एउटा महत्वपूर्ण सामग्रीको रुपमा यस पुस्तकले बच्चा जन्मनुपूर्व (गर्भावस्था), जन्मनुका बखत र जन्मीसकेपछिको अपरिहार्य हेरविचारलाइ समावेश गरेको छ । आमा र नवजातहरुका लागि डब्लुएचओ/युनीसेफ का निर्देशिकाहरुलाई दर्साउने गरि यसलाई परिमार्जित गरिएको छ |
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آسان مڈوائفری

آسان مڈوائفری

Urdu translation of A Book for Midwives
دنیا بھر کی مڈوائفوں اور مڈوائفری کی تربیت دینے والے پروگراموں کے لیے بنیادی اہمیت کی کتاب۔ اس کتاب میں بچے کی پیدائش سے پہلے، پیدائش کے دوران اور پیدائش کے بعد کی لازمی دیکھ بھال کے موضوعات پر معلومات شامل ہیں۔
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