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Helping Children Live with HIV

Helping Children Live with HIV

Helping Children Live with HIV is a new, innovative community health guide, designed to empower families and communities affected by HIV in their efforts to support children’s well-being and healthy development. Richly illustrated, filled with unique stories and practical advice, this resource addresses both the physical and emotional health needs of children living with HIV.
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Disabled Village Children

Disabled Village Children

Filled with clear and detailed information along with easy-to-implement strategies, Disabled Village Children is for anyone interested in the well-being of children with disabilities, especially those living in communities with limited resources. The English edition has recently been updated to reflect changes in how we talk about disability, and to include new information on burn rehabilitation, prevention of contractures, and seizures and epilepsy. Also available in Spanish.
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Children's Disability Set

Children's Disability Set

This three-book set covers all the major areas of physical disabilities in children and provides teaching activities, therapy techniques and accessibility resources. It includes Helping Children Who Are Blind, Helping Children Who Are Deaf, and Disabled Village Children. Also available in Spanish.
Regularly $59.85 if purchased separately, this set is only $49.95 – a savings of nearly 20%.
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Helping Children Who Are Deaf

Helping Children Who Are Deaf

Packed with activities on how to foster language learning through visual and oral approaches, this groundbreaking book explains ways to adapt activities and exercises for both a child's specific abilities and a family’s unique circumstances. This book is part of Hesperian’s Early Assistance Series, which contains essential information for children with hearing and vision problems. Also available in French and Spanish.
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Helping Children Who Are Blind

Helping Children Who Are Blind

The simple and engaging information and activities in Helping Children Who Are Blind enable family members and teaching professionals to help children with vision problems reach their fullest potential. This book is part of Hesperian’s Early Assistance Series, which contains essential information for children with hearing and vision problems. Also available in French and Spanish.
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A Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities

A Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities

This groundbreaking guide helps women with disabilities overcome barriers to poor health and advocate for better health care. A Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities is an essential resource for health professionals, caregivers, and trainers working with disability groups. Also available in Spanish and Nepali.
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Community–Based Rehabilitation in the Bolivian Amazon

Community–Based Rehabilitation in the Bolivian Amazon

This is the story of how a community came together to make the best of its natural, human and community resources to help children with disabilities reach their maximum human potentials, leading to a stronger, more compassionate and loving community for all. Also available in Spanish.

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El niño campesino deshabilitado

El niño campesino deshabilitado

Spanish translation of Disabled Village Children
Este manual contiene un tesoro de información detallada y clara, junto con estrategias prácticas, para toda persona que tiene interés en el bienestar de los niños con discapacidad, especialmente los que viven en comunidades con recursos limitados. También disponible en inglés.
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Ayudar a los niños ciegos

Ayudar a los niños ciegos

Spanish translation of Helping Children Who Are Blind
Las actividades en este libro para los padres, trabajadores de salud y otros que cuidan a los niños pueden ayudarles a ayudar a un niño o una niña con problemas de la vista a desarrollar todas sus capacidades. Apoya los esfuerzos de los padres y otros que cuidan a los recién nacidos y niños. También disponible en inglés y francés.
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Ayudar a los niños sordos

Ayudar a los niños sordos

Spanish translation of Helping Children Who Are Deaf
Este libro innovador está lleno de actividades para ayudar a un niño sordo a comunicarse y a desarrollarse durante los primeros 5 años de la vida, a través de un idioma hablado o un lenguaje de señas. Apoya los esfuerzos de los padres y otros que cuidan a los recién nacidos y niños pequeños. También disponible en inglés y francés.
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Un manual de salud para mujeres con discapacidad

Un manual de salud para mujeres con discapacidad

Spanish translation of A Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities
Desarrollado con la participación de mujeres con discapacidad en 42 países, esta guía ayuda a las mujeres a superar las barreras del estigma social y la falta de servicios para mejorar su salud en general, su autoestima y su habilidad para participar activamente en sus comunidades. También disponible en inglés y nepalí.
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Una Experiencia de Rehabilitación Basada en la Comunidad

Una Experiencia de Rehabilitación Basada en la Comunidad

Spanish edition of Community-Based Rehabilitation in the Bolivian Amazon
Esta es la historia de cómo una comunidad se unió para utilizar todos sus recursos naturales, humanos y comunitarios y así ayudar a que los niños con discapacidad puedan llegar a expresar su máximo potencial, construyendo de esta forma una comunidad más fuerte, compasiva y amorosa para todas y todos. También disponible en inglés.
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