A Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities
Jane Maxwell, Julia Watts Belser, Darlena David | 2007$24.95
This groundbreaking guide helps women with disabilities overcome barriers to poor health and advocate for better health care. A Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities is an essential resource for health professionals, caregivers, and trainers working with disability groups. Also available in Spanish and Nepali.
“When a disabled woman has good health it means she experiences well-being—of her body, mind, and spirit.”
— A Health Handbook for Women with DisabilitiesWomen with disabilities often discover that inadequate care and social stigma are greater barriers to health than the disabilities themselves. A Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities helps women with disabilities overcome these barriers while providing practical advice on self-care, healthy and safe sexual relationships, family planning methods, pregnancy and childbirth, and violence and abuse.
Full of advice and stories compiled from women with disabilities in 42 countries around the world, A Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities provides accessibly written, heavily illustrated information to help women and their communities organize for disability-friendly health care, overcome barriers like limited access to equipment to care for daily needs, and educate to prevent stigma and its harmful effects.
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Table of Contents (PDF)Chapter 6: Health Exams (PDF)
Praise for A Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities
"A Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities is an outstanding accomplishment, which uses the experiences and advice from women with disabilities throughout the world together with up to date, professional health information. The book captures the real life situations of women with disabilities and their issues, their experiences and their desires. This book is a ‘must-have’ for health professionals, international development organizations, international women's organizations and anyone who believes in equality for women with disabilities."— Susan Sygall, Co-founder and CEO of Mobility International USA; MacArthur Fellow
"Packed with useful information, helpful tips, and illustrations that deepen our learning, this practical tool for gaining health rights clearly reflects sound practice and the voices and experiences of women with disabilities from around the world. A breakthrough publication!"
— Karen Heinicke-Motsch, World Health Organization
"Long-awaited, this book provides us, and our families and caregivers, reliable information on sexuality, childbearing, aging and all the other life processes that affect every woman. An accessible resource for wisdom about our health."
— Venus M. Ilagan, Disabled Peoples' International
"This manual definitely can be used by women with disabilities to understand themselves better, help others to understand them better, and help them teach others to understand them better."
— Dr. Veda Zachariah, Sanjivini Trust, Bangalore, India