Helping Children Who Are Blind
The simple and engaging information and activities in Helping Children Who Are Blind enable family members and teaching professionals to help children with vision problems reach their fullest potential. This book is part of Hesperian’s Early Assistance Series, which contains essential information for children with hearing and vision problems. Also available in French and Spanish.
Sanitation and Cleanliness for a Healthy Environment
This selected material from Hesperian's Community Guide to Environmental Health offers 48 pages of information on basic sanitation and hygiene, including instructions on building safe, affordable, environmentally-friendly sanitation systems, as well as learning activities to help communities understand and prevent sanitation-related health problems. Also available in Spanish and French.
Pesticides are Poison
This selected material from Hesperian's Community Guide to Environmental Health provides detailed information about pesticides and addresses how to treat people in pesticide emergencies and reduce harm caused by pesticides. The 37-page booklet also offers alternate pest control methods that do not use harmful chemicals. Also available in Spanish.
Water for Life
This selected material from Hesperian's Community Guide to Environmental Health explains how to improve drinking water sources, treat water as a right for all people, make it safe for drinking, and organize water projects to improve community health in 46 pages. Also available in Spanish and French.
The Childbirth Picture Book
The Childbirth Picture Book provides a simple and complete guide to the basics of conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. This 68-page book contains 34 pages of detailed line drawings depicting every step of the reproductive process. Also available in Spanish, French, Arabic and Urdu.
Global Health Watch 6
The latest edition of what remains the leading source for radical analysis in global healthcare. Combining rigorous analysis with practical policy suggestions, Global Health Watch 6 offers an accessible and compelling case for a radical new approach to healthcare across the world.
Global Health Watch 5
One edition of what remains the leading source for radical analysis in global healthcare. Combining rigorous analysis with practical policy suggestions, Global Health Watch 5 offers an accessible and compelling case for a radical new approach to healthcare across the world.
Global Health Watch 3
The Global Health Watch provides a platform for activists to share experiences, practical examples, and theoretical analyses to strengthen local, national, regional, and global campaigns towards Health for All. Global Health Watch 3 is the definitive independent source of data on global health and offers essential information for anyone working in the field.
Global Health Watch 2
The Global Health Watch is a call to all health workers to broaden and strengthen the global community of health advocates taking action on global health inequalities and their underlying political and economic determinants. Like its critically acclaimed predecessor, Global Health Watch 2 covers a comprehensive range of topics, including access to medicines, mental health, water and sanitation, nutrition, and war and conflict.
The Practice of International Health
The Practice of International Health comprises a series of vivid first-person accounts in which physicians, epidemiologists, health workers, and public health professionals from around the world present the challenges facing the field. These case studies give voice to the real experiences of public health practitioners and the ethical choices they face — and encourage the reader to reflect upon the complex ethics of public health work.
Sickness and Wealth
In this powerful and accessible collection of essays, international scholars and activists examine how official and corporate actors of globalization -
including multinationals, the IMF and World Bank, the World Trade Organization, and "first world" governments - have enacted policies that limit medical access
and promote disease and death for many in the poor world.
Health Rights Are Civil Rights
Health Rights Are Civil Rights situates health in the struggles for social change in Los Angeles in the 1960s and 1970s. Jenna M. Loyd describes how Black freedom, anti-war, welfare rights, and women's movement activists formed alliances to battle oppressive health systems and structural violence, working to establish the principle that health is a right.