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Revolutionary Medicine

Revolutionary Medicine

On the Atlantic coast of Honduras live the Garifuna, an Afro-Indigenous people with their own language and traditions. Revolutionary Medicine covers what happens when they decide to build their own hospital — run on solar energy, in a community without paved roads or electricity — and offer an alternative to the increasingly privatized national health system.
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Revolutionary Doctors

Revolutionary Doctors

Since the creation of the Venezuelan health mission Barrio Adentro, thousands of Cuban medical professionals have provided quality health care for some of Venezuela's poorest communities. Revolutionary Doctors gives readers a first-hand account of Venezuela's innovative and inspiring program of community health care, designed to serve, and largely carried out by, the poor themselves.
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Comrades in Health

Comrades in Health

In Comrades in Health, Anne-Emanuelle Birn and Theodore M. Brown bring together a group of professionals and activists whose lives have been dedicated to international health. By presenting a combination of historical accounts and first-hand reflections, this collection aims to draw attention to the longstanding activities of progressive US health professionals and the lessons they brought home. Their involvement is presented against the background of foreign and domestic policy, social movements, and global politics.
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Birth Work as Care Work

Birth Work as Care Work

This collection presents a vibrant collection of stories from the front lines of birth activist communities. The personal has once more become political, and birth workers, supporters, and doulas now find themselves at the fore of collective struggles for freedom and dignity.
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Transformation Set

Transformation Set

The innovative training techniques and approaches to community development provided in Training for Transformation Volumes 1-4 assist community educators and and activists in the development of self-reliant communities. Training for Transformation in Practice shares experiences of activists using these methods.
Regularly $131.85, this set is now $104.95 – a savings of 20% when you buy all five volumes together.
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Training for Transformation, Vols. 1-3

Training for Transformation, Vols. 1-3

Training for Transformation is designed to assist workers in the field who are encouraging the development of self-reliant creative communities. The set consists of three practical and easy-to-use handbooks that are useful for anyone working toward transforming society.
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Training for Transformation, Vol. 4

Training for Transformation, Vol. 4

Training for Transformation is designed to assist workers in the field who are encouraging the development of self-reliant creative communities. This new volume is divided into easy-to-follow modules, which can be covered in any order, making it a practical and accessible workbook for community development workers.
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Health Organizing Set

Health Organizing Set

Three action-based resources that provide concrete strategies and activities for organizing for better health in your community. Topics include environmental health, women’s health and rights, and workers’ health and safety, through the three titles: A Community Guide to Environmental Health, Health Actions for Women and Workers’ Guide to Health and Safety.
Regularly $91.85 if purchased separately, this set is now $74.95 - a savings of 20%!
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JourneyWoman II

JourneyWoman II

The stunning success of JourneyWoman: A Native Woman's Guide to Wellness led the Women's Wellness Program at the Native American Rehabilitation Association of the Northwest (NARA) Indian Health Clinic in Portland, Oregon, to produce a companion book discussing additional health and community issues not covered in the first volume of JourneyWoman.
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Complete Hesperian Library

Complete Hesperian Library

Get all of Hesperian's titles in English at a substantial savings. This comprehensive set includes 14 books that fall under six major topic areas: General health, disability health, women's health, workers' health, HIV/AIDS, and environmental health. Also available in Spanish.
Regularly $369.25 if purchased separately, this set is only $258.50 – a savings of 30%.
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Environmental Health Set

Environmental Health Set

This collection of three booklets on environmental health includes information on clean water, pesticides, and sanitation. Taken from A Community Guide to Environmental Health, these stand-alone materials show how to build safe toilets, purify water and protect watersheds, and reduce harm from toxic chemicals. The set includes Sanitation and Cleanliness for a Healthy Environment, Pesticides are Poison and Water for Life.
Regularly $23.85 if purchased separately, this set is only $18.95 - a savings of 20%.
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Super Six Set

Super Six Set

This collection is a must-have for health workers. It covers a broad spectrum of health issues, including information on injuries and illnesses, women’s health topics such as pregnancy and childbirth, and strategies to improve health education and community involvement. The set includes six books: Where There Is No Doctor, Helping Health Workers Learn, Where There Is No Dentist, Where Women Have No Doctor, A Book for Midwives, and A Community Guide to Environmental Health.
Regularly $164.70 if purchased separately, this set is only $131.75 – a savings of 20%.
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