Agua para vivir
Spanish translation of Water for LifeExplica cómo mejorar las fuentes de agua potable, cuidar del agua como un derecho de todas y todos, qué hacer para que el agua sea segura para tomar y cómo organizar proyectos para mejorar la calidad del agua en la comunidad. También disponible en inglés y francés.
Chinese translation of A Community Guide to Environmental Health指南采用讲知识、做活动、说故事和介绍适宜技术等方式,帮助社区健康促进工作者、环保人士和社区管理者着手改善身边的环境与健康状况。
Assainissement et propreté pour un environnement sain
French translation of Sanitation and Cleanliness for a Healthy EnvironmentContaining selected chapters from Hesperian's A Community Guide to Environmental Health, this resource offers information on basic sanitation and hygiene, including instructions on building safe, affordable, environmentally-friendly sanitation systems, as well as learning activities to help communities understand and prevent sanitation-related health problems. Also available in English and Spanish.
De l’eau pour la vie
French translation of Water for LifeSelected chapters from Hesperian's A Community Guide to Environmental Health, this resource explains how to improve drinking water sources, treat water as a right for all people, make it safe for drinking, and organize water projects to improve community health. Also available in English and Spanish.
Dlo ak Pwòpte: Pi plis pase tout sa nou ka panse
Haitian Kreyol translation of Water & SanitationLiv sa a fè nou konnen ki jan nou ka fè katye nou, kay nou, dlo ak manje nou pi pwòp, menm si nou pa gen anpil lajan; konsa nou ka evite anpil maladi vin sou nou.
This booklet, adapted from the NEW Where There Is No Doctor, provides strategies for practicing better sanitation with little resources to make our communities safer and prevent illness.
This booklet, adapted from the NEW Where There Is No Doctor, provides strategies for practicing better sanitation with little resources to make our communities safer and prevent illness.
Guia comunitario de saude ambiental
Portugese translation of A Community Guide to Environmental HealthEste guia contém informações, actividades, histórias e instruções sobre tecnologias simples que ajudam os promotores de saúde, os activistas ambientais e os líderes comunitários a cuidar da saúde ambiental.
Onde não há médico e Guia comunitário de saúde ambiental
Where There Is No Doctor & Community Guide to Environmental Health (Portuguese translations)Two essential titles in Portuguese, covering basic health care and environmental health. Both published by Hesperian currently (formerly published by Teaching-aids at Low Cost).
Regularly $67.90 if purchased separately, this set is only $54.95 – a savings of 20%.
Regularly $67.90 if purchased separately, this set is only $54.95 – a savings of 20%.
Руководство для Сообществ: окружающая среда и здоровье
Russian translation of A Community Guide to Environmental HealthWith hundreds of illustrations and clear instructions, A Community Guide to Environmental Health helps health promoters, development workers, environmental activists, and community leaders take charge of their environmental health in villages and cities alike.
Salud laboral: Fábricas de electrónicos
Recurso compacto sobre los peligros de salud que enfrentan quienes trabajan en fábricas de electrónicos. Con información de salud y primeros auxilios junto con ilustraciones para impulsar la discusión, historias para la acción y casi 100 fichas de químicos de uso común en la industria.