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Bambara edition of Where There Is No DoctorNin gafe in labaaralen don ka tεmε kεnεya gafe tɔw bεε diɲε kɔnɔ kεnεya baarakεlaw ni lakɔlikaramɔgɔ fε ani mɔgɔ wεrε minnu sen bε furakεli kunfɔlɔw ni kεnεyasabatili baaraw la. San 2019 na, gafe in lakurayala ani ka kεnεya kunnafolo labanw far'a kan, i n'a fɔ bana minnu bε sɔrɔ soso fε, ɲεnabanaw, bangekɔlɔsi fεεrεw, ani bana caman wεrεw. Nin gafe in bε yen angilεkan ni εsipaɲɔlikan ni pɔritigεkan ni kereyɔlikan ani uridukan na.
Del NUEVO Donde no hay doctor: La Diabetes
Spanish edition of Diabetes: Beyond the BasicsLa diabetes, parte de la serie de recursos
compactos del NUEVO Donde no hay doctor, es para toda persona que tiene
diabetes o brinda apoyo a personas que viven con diabetes, ya sean parte de sus
familias o de sus comunidades, al igual para aquellas que luchan por prevenir
la enfermedad y construir comunidades más saludables. Adaptada del Nuevo Donde
no hay doctor, este folleto de 44-páginas detalla los problemas físicos y
sociales ligados a la diabetes y proporciona preguntas de discusión para grupos
de auto-ayuda y para promotoras y promotores de salud que trabajan el tema. Un
recurso esencial y compacto para la promoción de salud. También disponible en inglés.
Huduma ya kwanza
Swahili translation of First Aid
First Aid is essential reading for anyone who might encounter an emergency situation - which is everyone. The 88-page booklet has simple, easy-to-remember instructions for identifying and tending to over thirty different kinds of emergencies. Translated into Swahili, it also includes strategies for establishing calm and a guide on emergency medicines. Also available in Haitian Kreyol.
First Aid is essential reading for anyone who might encounter an emergency situation - which is everyone. The 88-page booklet has simple, easy-to-remember instructions for identifying and tending to over thirty different kinds of emergencies. Translated into Swahili, it also includes strategies for establishing calm and a guide on emergency medicines. Also available in Haitian Kreyol.
Salud laboral: Fábricas de electrónicos
Recurso compacto sobre los peligros de salud que enfrentan quienes trabajan en fábricas de electrónicos. Con información de salud y primeros auxilios junto con ilustraciones para impulsar la discusión, historias para la acción y casi 100 fichas de químicos de uso común en la industria.
De la Semilla al Plato
From Seed to Your PlateJuego de mesa educativo, desarrollado por Educación Popular en Salud, para crear diálogo y reflexión sobre los factores sociales, económicos, políticos y culturales que tienen un impacto en lo que comemos y en cómo esto afecta nuestra salud y medioambiente.
Pwoblèm Kè ak Tansyon
Haitian Kreyol translation of Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure
Chapit Maladi Kè ak Tansyon an bay esplikasyon sou maladi kè yo, e ki wòl tansyon ki wo a ak kolestewòl jwe nan yon kè ki pa gen bon sante. Li gen ladann aktivite yo ki pou atake koz fizik ak sosyal maladi kè yo, e bay ki medikaman yo pi fasil itilize pou desann tansyon wo a.
Chapit Maladi Kè ak Tansyon an bay esplikasyon sou maladi kè yo, e ki wòl tansyon ki wo a ak kolestewòl jwe nan yon kè ki pa gen bon sante. Li gen ladann aktivite yo ki pou atake koz fizik ak sosyal maladi kè yo, e bay ki medikaman yo pi fasil itilize pou desann tansyon wo a.
Malarya, lafyèv deng, ak lòt maladi moustik bay
Haitian Kreyol translation of Malaria, Dengue and Other Illnesses from Mosquitoes
Chapit Malarya, Lafyèv Deng ak lòt Maladi Moustik bay la pale sou trètman maladi ke moustik yo bay, e medikaman yo itilize pou trete yo. Li gen ladann enfòmasyon sou fason moustik yo gaye maladi yo, sou fason kominote a ka fè pou anpeche moustik yo peple e fason pou anpeche yo pike moun tou.
Chapit Malarya, Lafyèv Deng ak lòt Maladi Moustik bay la pale sou trètman maladi ke moustik yo bay, e medikaman yo itilize pou trete yo. Li gen ladann enfòmasyon sou fason moustik yo gaye maladi yo, sou fason kominote a ka fè pou anpeche moustik yo peple e fason pou anpeche yo pike moun tou.
Vaksen pwoteje nou kont maladi
Haitian Kreyol translation of Vaccines Prevent Illness
Chapit sa a ede ajan sante yo fè reklam pou vaksinasyon, epi li bay fanmi yo bon jan enfòmasyon ki san fòskote. Li esplike ki jan vaksen yo mache, epi li bay non pifò kalite vaksen ki kouran e ki maladi yo anpeche. Li fè wè ki jan ajan sante yo se eleman ki enpòtan anpil lè nou vle rive monte nenpòt pwogram vaksinasyon.
Chapit sa a ede ajan sante yo fè reklam pou vaksinasyon, epi li bay fanmi yo bon jan enfòmasyon ki san fòskote. Li esplike ki jan vaksen yo mache, epi li bay non pifò kalite vaksen ki kouran e ki maladi yo anpeche. Li fè wè ki jan ajan sante yo se eleman ki enpòtan anpil lè nou vle rive monte nenpòt pwogram vaksinasyon.
Manuel de Santé Animale
Where There Is No Animal Doctor covers health and disease conditions for all major livestock species in one volume. The manual is designed for livestock care where veterinary services are limited, as well as for veterinarians and technicians who work with and train farmers. Written in a simple, easy-to-understand style, and full of clear, explanatory illustrations, the book explains how to prevent, recognize, control and treat a broad spectrum of animal diseases. It has been the most trusted and widely used text on animal health internationally for more than 20 years. Also available in Spanish and English.
Training Health Promoters: A Guide for Instructors
This instructor’s guide explains how to organize a health promoter practitioner program. It includes information about the 3 skills-building levels of the courses, and various teaching strategies and tools. Also available in Spanish
Del NUEVO Donde no hay doctor: Los problemas de los ojos y de la vista
Spanish edition of Problems with the Eyes and SeeingLos problemas de los ojos y de la vista es un recurso ilustrado y práctico sobre los problemas comunes de los ojos y la vista para quienes trabajan en salud y toda persona que quiera aprender a reconocer, tratar y prevenir lesiones, infecciones y señas de daño en los ojos. Incluye un afiche 'E' para evaluar la vista. También disponible en inglés.
Lao Translation of Where There Is No Animal DoctorWhere There Is No Animal Doctor covers health and disease conditions for all major livestock species in one volume. The manual is designed for livestock care where veterinary services are limited, as well as for veterinarians and technicians who work with and train farmers. Written in a simple, easy-to-understand style, and full of clear, explanatory illustrations, the book explains how to prevent, recognize, control and treat a broad spectrum of animal diseases. It has been the most trusted and widely used text on animal health internationally for more than 20 years. Also available in Spanish, English, and French.