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Workers' Guide to Health and Safety

Workers' Guide to Health and Safety

Easy to use and full of illustrations, the Workers' Guide to Health and Safety demystifies occupational safety to make it accessible to everyone. It provides essential tools to support employees, health promoters and union organizers in their efforts to create safer and healthier workplaces. The strategies are applicable to any factory setting, especially electronics, shoe and garment industries.
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A Community Guide to Environmental Health

A Community Guide to Environmental Health

With hundreds of illustrations and clear instructions, A Community Guide to Environmental Health helps health promoters, development workers, environmental activists, and community leaders take charge of their environmental health in villages and cities alike. Also available in Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese, and Russian.
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Sanitation and Cleanliness for a Healthy Environment

Sanitation and Cleanliness for a Healthy Environment

This selected material from Hesperian's Community Guide to Environmental Health offers 48 pages of information on basic sanitation and hygiene, including instructions on building safe, affordable, environmentally-friendly sanitation systems, as well as learning activities to help communities understand and prevent sanitation-related health problems. Also available in Spanish and French.
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Pesticides are Poison

Pesticides are Poison

This selected material from Hesperian's Community Guide to Environmental Health provides detailed information about pesticides and addresses how to treat people in pesticide emergencies and reduce harm caused by pesticides. The 37-page booklet also offers alternate pest control methods that do not use harmful chemicals. Also available in Spanish.
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Water for Life

Water for Life

This selected material from Hesperian's Community Guide to Environmental Health explains how to improve drinking water sources, treat water as a right for all people, make it safe for drinking, and organize water projects to improve community health in 46 pages. Also available in Spanish and French.
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Salud laboral: Acoso y violencia

Salud laboral: Acoso y violencia

Un recurso escrito con sencillez e ilustrado para trabajadoras y trabajadores y sus aliadas y aliados con estrategias e historias para reconocer los diferentes tipos de violencia en el trabajo, inspirar esfuerzos colectivos contra el acoso y la violencia, dar atención de emergencia y a largo plazo a personas que han sido violadas, movilizarse para penalizar y prohibir el acoso y la violencia en el trabajo, y más.
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Factory and Environmental Health Set

Factory and Environmental Health Set

This essential two-volume set focuses on workplace and environmental health. Together these titles offer useful information on specific toxins and chemicals, strategies for community organizing, and tips for improving factory and environmental safety. The set includes Workers’ Guide to Health and Safety and A Community Guide to Environmental Health.
Regularly $66.90 if purchased separately, this set is only $53.95 – a savings of 20%.
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Health Organizing Set

Health Organizing Set

Three action-based resources that provide concrete strategies and activities for organizing for better health in your community. Topics include environmental health, women’s health and rights, and workers’ health and safety, through the three titles: A Community Guide to Environmental Health, Health Actions for Women and Workers’ Guide to Health and Safety.
Regularly $91.85 if purchased separately, this set is now $74.95 - a savings of 20%!
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Environmental Health Set

Environmental Health Set

This collection of three booklets on environmental health includes information on clean water, pesticides, and sanitation. Taken from A Community Guide to Environmental Health, these stand-alone materials show how to build safe toilets, purify water and protect watersheds, and reduce harm from toxic chemicals. The set includes Sanitation and Cleanliness for a Healthy Environment, Pesticides are Poison and Water for Life.
Regularly $23.85 if purchased separately, this set is only $18.95 - a savings of 20%.
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Guía comunitaria para la salud ambiental

Guía comunitaria para la salud ambiental

Spanish translation of A Community Guide to Environmental Health
Esta guía, llena de información, actividades, historias e instrucciones para hacer tecnologías sencillas, ayuda a las y los promotores de salud, activistas ambientales y dirigentes comunitarios a hacerse cargo de su salud ambiental. También disponible en inglés, chino, portugués, y ruso.
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Saneamiento y limpieza para un ambiente sano

Saneamiento y limpieza para un ambiente sano

Spanish translation of Sanitation and Cleanliness for a Healthy Environment
Incluye información sobre la higiene y el saneamiento básico, con instrucciones para construir sistemas sanitarios seguros, asequibles y ecológicos, al igual que actividades de aprendizaje para ayudar a las comunidades a entender y prevenir los problemas de la salud causados por el saneamiento malo. También disponible en inglés y francés.
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Los plaguicidas son veneno

Los plaguicidas son veneno

Spanish translation of Pesticides are Poison
Contiene información detallada sobre los plaguicidas, las emergencias de envenenamiento por plaguicida y cómo reducir el daño que causan los plaguicidas. Incluye información sobre los métodos alternativos de control de plagas que no requieren de sustancias químicas tóxicas. También disponible en inglés.
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